Acquisition Financing for First-Time Buyers: A Practical Blueprint
Posted on: January 24th, 2025
Acquisition Financing need not be daunting for a first-time buyer despite the strange acronyms the financial jargon used by industry participants. Raising acquisition financing is like any large project where expertise, planning and process is critical. Deploying a practical blueprint to raise acquisition financing is a way to make the process more efficient and faster.
Practical Blue-print Steps to Successfully Raise Acquisition Financing
Here are 5 practical blue-print steps that will help you successfully raise acquisition financing.
- Gain Transaction Knowledge – the process of engaging with a sophisticated acquisition financing lender is hard and you need an expert to navigate that path. They will know what needs to be in place at the proper time so that you can move briskly through the process. An expert will also be able to manage the deal process in a professional manner to ensure the lender develops a positive view of the company.
- Gain Market Knowledge – you need an expert to explain the different forms of acquisition financing available and the relevant financial metrics used to qualify for each form. It is different than a basic loan process and involves having a strong growth story and a relatable financial framework for the business. An acquisition financing expert will be able to create a pitch that will directly appeal to the lenders.
- Invest in Transaction Support Processes – You need someone to lead the diligence process with the acquisition financing lender who will manage the exchange of information to ensure consistency, high quality and timeliness. This person needs to function as a glue-like interface between the lender, the borrower and other service providers such as accountants, lawyers and consultants.
- Run a Robust Distribution Process – you need an acquisition financing expert who has a very large number of acquisition financing lender relationships. The acquisition financing lender market is highly specialized by size, industry and risk so you need an expert to identify the best lending prospects for your specific deal.
- Invest in High Quality Financial Statements – Deals fail all too often because the company is weak with financial reporting and cannot provide the supporting detail to the lender’s accounting firm. Before you start your process, assess your financing statement reporting readiness to ensure you are at the required level needed to get through a quality of earnings diligence.